Featured (page 14)

Kindy Sports Day _ SY 2018-2019

         Active and healthy lifestyle was the theme of Kindy Sports Day. Children could develop their gross motor skills through games like noodle hockey, bean bag toss, flag tag and playing with the parachute. They experienced team…

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Anti-Bullying Week

      SIS@Danang held our first Anti-Bullying Week from the 11-15th of January. The week consisted of daily learning goals and activities to increase student awareness of what bullying is and how we can stop it. Towards the end…

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SIS – Amazing TET Fair 2019

      On the last day of term, SIS held its first ever Tet Fair. Teachers, students and parents worked together to set up and decorate the stalls before school. It began with a spectacular concert with songs and dances performed…

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SIS Dragon Challenge 2019

    On Thursday, January 24th, secondary students had the opportunity to participate in our first SIS Dragon Challenge obstacle course race.  Each class had four students represent their class in a relay race that consisted of running and 16 obstacles.  With…

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KIK – Amazing TET Fair 2019

      As active and global competent citizens, while learning to understand and respect our own and other cultures, the Kindergarten children had an enjoyable time discovering the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. Different related activities to reinforce the theme were discussed…

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