SIS Danang – Celebrating Our Cultures

      We celebrated International Week during the last week of last term. Year 5 International class did some Chinese cooking at PIC to start the week of learning and understanding about other cultures as one of our Schoolwide Learner Goals is to “respect our own and others’ cultures”.  Many classes studied a particular country, including Vietnam, and some of its customs and history. Some classes practiced a song or dance from another country to perform at assembly.

At KIK assembly on Thursday many parents also brought food from their home country. These countries included Morocco, Egypt, Denmark, South Africa, Australia, Korea, China and Japan. 

At the Primary Assembly on Friday, Years 1-3 students wore traditional dress. Year 4 sang a Chinese song about being the children of the world and everyone did the Kung Fu dance, led by Years 2,3 and 4 International. Then Year 3 Integrated led the finale singing “We are the World”, symbolized by the circle formed in the Hall with students, teachers and parents.